Rock Blasting
SAJCO established rock blasting to support the execution of infrastructure projects. Rock blasting is used to handle all rock excavation works needed for civil works like quarries, roads construction, tunnels construction, excavations and mining works. The company has formed a complete team of qualified engineers, explosives specialists and technicians who currently manage and operate many hydraulic rock excavation machines and other equipment. SAJCO has achieved an impressive number of blasting works reaching over 6 million cubic meters yearly.
Related Projects
February 26, 2018
Al-Ahsobah Dam
Construction of earth fill dam and reinforced concrete slaps: Height: 22 meters Length: 825 meters Storage -
March 21, 2018
الله يعطيك خيرها
تم توقيع اتفاقية تعاون ورعاية بين جمعية الأطفال المعوقين وشركة شبه الجزيرة للمقاولات
February 28, 2018
Maraba Dam
Construct of earth fill dam and reinforced concrete slap Length: 250 meters Height: 38 meters Storage Capacity: 9