Shibh Al Jazira Contracting Company Honors 207 Employees for Over 25 Years of Dedicated Service

SAJCO is proud to celebrate a significant milestone by honoring 207 employees who have dedicatedly served the company for over 25 years. We express our deepest gratitude to these exceptional individuals, whose hard work and commitment have been instrumental in SAJCO’s sustained growth and success.

The event was graced by department heads, board members, the CEO, and the Managing Director, underscoring the importance of this achievement. One of the highlights of the event was a speech by Board Member Mr. Ziyad Suleiman, who extended his heartfelt thanks to all the employees for their continued support and loyalty. He emphasized how the commitment of these long-serving employees has been the backbone of SAJCO, driving the company to new heights.

Mr. Suleiman’s words resonated with everyone present, creating an atmosphere of warmth and gratitude. The event reflected SAJCO’s core values of loyalty, dedication, and teamwork, celebrating not only the past achievements but also the future potential of the team.

We wish our honored employees continued success and blessings from Allah as they continue to contribute to SAJCO’s legacy